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BNL Producten provides advice and supplies products for the treatment of facades, walls, floors, and other surfaces. Our advice is based on years of experience and extensive knowledge of brick and concrete facades, plastics, and tiling.
With our products, your surface regains its desired appearance and protection without being damaged. The extensive range includes products for various applications, including moisture- and liquid-resistant solutions as well as cleaning products. The products are suitable for both new construction and renovation, and for surfaces indoors and outdoors.
With our products, your surface regains its desired appearance and protection without being damaged. The extensive range includes products for various applications. Click on one of the brands for an overview of the products and their functionality.
BNL products
View productsPE Protect
View productsWater-based, water-repellent, and solvent-based. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Aut quos tenetur vel placeat modi 33 soluta iste. 33 iusto perferendis id culpa provident qui quos placeat et facere dolores id voluptatibus omnis. Ut soluta praesentium ut tempora maxime est laudantium voluptatum eos.